From city skylines to the natural world, landscapes can be breathtaking. Here you'll find my take on various landscapes during different times of day from sunrise to sunrise. From luscious trees and inviting skies to grime-ridden bricks and neon lights, there's something for everyone. Click on any picture to see a larger version & a description. Copies of artwork purchased from this site do not contain the J. Beatty Digital Visuals watermark.

Living in Massachusetts, I have come to appreciate the beauty of Fall in New England. The trees boast bold and beautiful colors, in shades and hues that are awe inspiring. It is almost impossible to see the leaves change colors here in New England and not take a moment to reflect on the beauty of nature and by extension the wonder of creation. I wanted to capture the beauty and calm of a moment on a path through the woods in Autumn here in the northeast

As a kid, my parents often took me to the Botanical Gardens in Brooklyn, NY. I remember how vivid the colors seemed back then. The flowers were full of vibrant colors that almost jumped out at me. I wanted to create something that had that same sense of vibrancy and pop when it came to color that reminds people of the way we view things as children.

Indigenous people from the northeastern woodlands have always held water & waterways in high regard and sacred in many ways. The understanding that water gives us life & provides for us, giving sustenance through fishing, replenishment through rain, & travel via rivers and creeks has played significant roles in cultural development for many Native nations in the region.This piece is 1 of 2 featured in Athol's "Windows on Main" exhibit as a 54"x54" panel.

Based on a photograph taken by Indigenous Womxn Professor Natalie Avalos during her time teaching at Connecticut College. I felt compelled to recreate the photograph because it spoke to me of the undisturbed beauty that can still be found in New England. Another fall scene, I found the mix of colors and hues an interesting challenge to try to recreate.